Referral Services

Personal Information
The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other privacy legislation applies when we collect, hold, use and disclose information about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable,
whether the information is true or not and whether the information is recorded in a material form or not.

Collection of Personal Information
When we act for you we may collect your
personal information or if you are an organisation, such as a corporation or Government agency, we may collect personal information about individuals who are employees, directors or principals of you or your associates. We may collect this personal information from the individual directly or if the individual is an employee, director or principal of an organisation, from the organisation or from other third parties including government agencies, law enforcement bodies, publicly available records, public registries, court or tribunal records, ratings agencies, search agencies, regulatory and licensing bodies, your service providers and other third parties to whom you refer us for these purposes. We ask you to assist us to make these individuals aware that our acting for
you may involve collection of personal information about them and refer them to this statement or otherwise make them aware of the matters set out in this statement. You agree that where you provide us with your information, you consent to us collecting that information. If you are an organisation and you provide us with, or authorise us to collect, sensitive information about an employee, director or principal of you or your associates, you warrant that you have obtained the consent of the relevant individual to our collection of that information. You otherwise consent, or if you are an organisation, warrant that the employees, directors and principals of you and your associates consent, to us collecting information that is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities.

Purposes of Collection
We collect personal information to use for all purposes in relation to the services that you have requested, provide you with information about services we offer through direct marketing, comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, otherwise carry out our functions as professional legal service providers and related activities. If we do not collect personal information as set out above, we may not be able to provide you with the services that you have requested or otherwise carry out your instructions.

Disclosure of Personal Information
For the purposes set out above, we may disclose personal information to third
parties including:
• our service providers, contractors and suppliers (such as barristers, title and court searchers, surveyors, forensic witnesses, accountants, mediators and consultants, valuers, IT consultants, mailing, carriers, printing, photocopying, advertising and market research);
• our agents;
• individuals, organisations and agencies with whom we are required to deal in the course of acting for you and carrying out your instructions;
• court officers and staff; and
• government agencies (such as agencies responsible for processing transactions).
We are generally not likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients. If in the course of acting for you it
becomes necessary or desirable to disclose personal information to overseas recipients, we will generally discuss
this with you before we do so.

Direct Marketing
Contact details and other personal information (such as information about areas of interest) we
hold about individuals may also be used by us (and disclosed to our service providers and contractors) to keep those
individuals informed about developments in relevant areas of law or other legal services or seminars we offer (including by email and other electronic communications). However, if at any time an individual tells us that they do not wish their personal information to be used for this purpose, we will act in accordance with their request. Details of how an individual can do this are set out in our Privacy Policy. If you are an organisation, we ask that you assist us to make individuals who are employees, directors or principals of you or your associates aware of these matters.

Our Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy available on our website ( contains information about how an individual may access personal information that we hold about them, seek its correction, complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with such a complaint.

Privacy Officer
Please contact our Privacy Officer at the details below if you would like to obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy or have a question regarding the management of personal information.